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Fundraising Skills: Example Usage on Resumes, Skill Set & Top Keywords in 2024

Including fundraising as a skill on your resume suggests to recruiters that you possess strong organizational capabilities and a flair for engaging with diverse groups. Dive into the guide below to gain insights on enhancing your resume and discover variations for representing your fundraising expertise effectively.

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Fundraising skill is about being able to gather money or resources for a cause or organization. It involves convincing people or groups to give donations, organizing events to collect funds, and often managing the funds responsibly. Having fundraising abilities on your resume shows potential employers that you have the skills to bring in financial support, which can be vital for non-profit organizations, start-ups, and even large companies that rely on investor funding.

However, there are some drawbacks to listing fundraising as a skill on your resume. If it isn't relevant to the job you're applying for, it might not help you stand out. In fact, it could distract from other important skills that are more directly related to the position. Instead of just mentioning fundraising, it can be more effective to focus on skills that are involved in successful fundraising, such as strong communication, event planning, or financial management, which are applicable to a variety of roles.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Examples of good and bad ways to showcase fundraising on your resume.
  • Synonyms for "fundraising" that could better match the language of the job you want.
  • How to rephrase "fundraising" to emphasize skills that are more universally sought by employers.

Misusage of fundraising on resumes

When crafting your resume, incorporating your fundraising skill should highlight your ability to contribute to financial growth and showcase your talent in engaging donors. However, this skill can be misused if not presented accurately. An overinflated summary, irrelevant experience, or embellishing achievements can significantly detract from your professionalism and the truthfulness of your resume.

Examples of misusing fundraising skill on your resume:

  • In the summary section: "The mastermind behind unprecedented funding campaigns, generating millions virtually overnight," overstates abilities and creates unrealistic expectations.
  • In the experience section: "Spearheaded all company financials with a major focus on fundraising," inaccurately suggests a role that encompasses all financial operations when you specifically worked on fundraising campaigns.
  • In the achievements section: "Single-handedly persuaded celebrity endorsements, skyrocketing the fundraising campaign to record-breaking heights," falsely implies a direct correlation between your action and celebrity involvement without acknowledging team efforts.

How to demonstrate fundraising skills on your resume

  • Include specific examples of successful fundraising campaigns you have led or contributed to, highlighting the amount of funds raised and the strategies employed to achieve those goals.
  • Detail your experience with different fundraising methods such as grant writing, crowdfunding, event planning, and donor cultivation, providing concrete outcomes for each technique.
  • Showcase your ability to build and maintain relationships with donors by mentioning any networks or partnerships you have developed and how they benefited your fundraising efforts.
  • Highlight your skills in budget management and financial oversight by describing how you effectively allocated funds and minimized expenses in past fundraising initiatives.
  • Illustrate your expertise in communication by providing examples of fundraising material you created, such as campaign literature, press releases, or social media content that successfully engaged potential donors and stakeholders.

Example 1: Demonstrate fundraising in the experience section

Senior Development Officer
Hope Foundation
New York, NY
  • Led a team of 5 in designing and executing the annual 'Run for Hope' marathon, raising over $200,000 for children's education.
  • Collaborated with local businesses to sponsor community events, securing over $100,000 in funding and in-kind support, resulting in increased local engagement.
  • Managed the implementation of a new donor CRM system, leading to a 30% improvement in tracking donor activity and a 20% increase in repeat donations.
Fundraising Manager
Green Earth Advocates
San Francisco, CA
  • Increased grant revenue by 40% within two years through strategic proposal writing and fostering relationships with key funders.
  • Orchestrated a silent auction that attracted 300+ attendees, raising $50,000 for environmental research and advocacy projects.
  • Initiated a social media campaign that expanded digital presence and crowd-sourced $25,000 through grassroots efforts.
Development Coordinator
Arts & Culture Alliance
Chicago, IL
  • Successfully wrote and received a grant for $80,000 to support local artists and their community projects.
  • Facilitated donor appreciation events that helped retain and increase the donor base by 25% each year.
  • Implemented a peer-to-peer fundraising program that empowered volunteers and raised $30,000 annually for program support.
  • This resume example clearly shows a track record of successful fundraising activities without resorting to overused jargon.
  • Each bullet point offers detailed evidence of personal contribution and the effect on the organization, making the applicant's impact quantifiable and clear.
  • The variability in experience descriptions—from leading teams, securing sponsorships, managing events, to initiating a social media campaign—displays a broad skill set.
  • By including specific numbers and outcomes, such as "raising over $200,000" or "increasing grant revenue by 40%," it directly ties actions to results.
  • Using recent dates and current positions includes a timeline of consistent progress and development in the applicant’s career.

Example 2: Demonstrate fundraising in the summary section

With over 5 years of dedicated experience in crafting successful fundraising campaigns, I bring to your organization a proven track record of raising $500k for various causes. Skilled in organizing large-scale events and donor outreach, I have a fervent passion for advancing strategic initiatives that drive financial support. My expertise extends to deploying effective database tools to foster relationships and manage contributions. My biggest career triumph was spearheading a charity auction that secured unprecedented donations, significantly impacting the organization's funding goals.
  • The summary highlights significant experience, showing 5 years in the field, which is informative and relevant.
  • It demonstrates the applicant's capability with clear evidence of success - managing to raise $500k for various initiatives.
  • Specific skills relevant to fundraising, like organizing events and donor outreach, are mentioned without using overused jargon.
  • The applicant's dedication to their craft is implicit in the mention of their achievement, pointing out a specific milestone that stands out in their career.
  • Conveying a particular success story, such as leading a charity auction, provides concrete proof of competencies and adds depth to the summary.
  • The use of simple language makes the text easy to comprehend, ensuring that it is accessible to readers of different backgrounds without sacrificing professionalism.

Example 3: Demonstrate fundraising in the achievements section

Raised $500K for Charity
Led a team of volunteers in organizing a city-wide charity event, successfully raising over $500,000 for local homelessness initiatives.
Grant Acquisition Success
Authored a compelling grant proposal that secured a $100,000 government grant for community health programs.
Boosted Alumni Donations
Implemented an alumni engagement plan which increased annual donations by 40%, generating an extra $250,000 for university programs.
  • This resume example focuses on specific achievements, leaving out unnecessary adjectives.
  • Quantifiable results are provided, showing clear outcomes from the individual's efforts.
  • Description of actual work situations makes the applicant's experience real and relatable.
  • Keeping titles short and to the point makes it easy for readers to scan and understand the key accomplishments.
  • All descriptions are outcome-oriented, illustrating the positive impact of the applicant's work.
  • The text avoids overused buzzwords and phrases, which helps to maintain the reader's interest.
  • The content uses plain language for clarity and is accessible to readers of all levels.

What are the relevant certifications for fundraising skills on resume

To bolster your career in fundraising, consider adding these credentials to your resume:

top sections icon

The top 5 certifications for gaining fundraising skills expertise:

  • Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) - CFRE International: Focuses on assessing and recognizing the skills, knowledge, and achievements of fundraising professionals. It can help you gain recognition for your expertise and experience in fundraising.
  • Fundraising Management Certificate - The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University: Provides education on the principles and practices of professional fundraising. This certificate is valuable for understanding strategic fundraising efforts and best practices in philanthropy.
  • Certificate in Fundraising Management (CFRM) - Boston University: Covers various aspects of fundraising including major gifts, annual giving, and planned giving. It aims to equip you with practical tools and techniques that can be directly applied to your fundraising work.
  • Certificate in Nonprofit Management - Duke University: While broader than just fundraising, this program includes modules on funding strategies and development. It's helpful for those who want to improve their leadership and management skills within nonprofit organizations.
  • Diploma in Fundraising (DipRF) - The Institute of Fundraising: An intensive program based in the UK that dives deep into strategic fundraising management. It prepares you for a leadership role in fundraising and increases your understanding of how to run effective campaigns.
  • Top skills people add together with fundraising skill on resume:

    Grant Writing

    Donor Management

    Event Planning

    Nonprofit Management


    Financial Management

    Database Management

    Volunteer Coordination

    Community Outreach

    Social Media Marketing








    Public Speaking




    Strategic Planning

    Most relevant jobs for fundraising skills

    Fundraising skills are crucial in many roles, particularly those focused on gathering financial support for organizations, campaigns, or causes. Professionals with strong fundraising abilities are valued for their capacity to build relationships, communicate persuasively, and organize successful events and campaigns. These skills are vital in sectors such as nonprofit organizations, education, healthcare, and politics, where securing funding is often a primary objective to support various initiatives.

    • Development director
    • Fundraising manager
    • Grant writer
    • Major gifts officer
    • Nonprofit director
    • Alumni relations coordinator
    • Political campaign fundraiser
    • Event coordinator
    • Corporate partnership manager
    • Foundation program officer

    Key takeaways

    • Fundraising skill enhances your resume by showcasing your ability to generate resources and contribute to an organization’s objectives.
    • Avoid using fundraising abilities unethically by adhering to best practices and ethical guidelines in your field.
    • Highlight your fundraising experience on your resume with concrete examples, amounts you’ve raised, and campaigns you’ve led to show your expertise.
    Make your move!
    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.
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    Volen Vulkov
    Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He applies his deep knowledge and experience to write about a career change, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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